
DOB: 12/22/2023
72.6 lbs.
Great Pyrenees

General Information:

    • House Trained: Yes
    • Leash Trained: Yes
    • Good with other dogs: Yes
    • Good with cats: Unknown at this time
    • Good with children: Yes

My Story

Hello there! My name is Scoobs, and I’m on the lookout for my forever home. Let me tell you a little about myself so you can get to know me better.

I’m a sweet and smart guy, though I can be a bit apprehensive at times. I’m strong, and when I’m feeling good, I love to zoom around outside, but I’m pretty calm the rest of the time. I’m not a super food-driven dog, but I do enjoy a good Milk Bone every now and then!

I’m easygoing when it comes to my food and toys – I’m not protective at all, so no worries about me guarding anything. I don’t mind when people reach into my bowl or handle my toys. I’m also house-trained – I’ll let you know when I need to go outside by standing by the door, but usually, I just go when you let me out.

I walk pretty well on a leash, although I might pull a little here and there. I love meeting new people and dogs on walks – I just want to say hello to everyone! Squirrels and critters are fun to watch, but I haven’t lunged at any of them yet. Cats? I’m not sure, I haven’t met one yet.

At home, I get along well with everyone – adults, kids, and other dogs. I’m pretty indifferent to who’s around, but if someone’s petting me, I’m happy to take all the attention I can get. I’m a bit shy around new things, like stairs and certain rooms, but I’m getting better at it every day. I sleep really well through the night and I love snuggling up on the floor (I’m not really a fan of dog beds, though!).

I’m not a huge barker, but I’ll give a few barks if I hear something interesting. I’m not a big fan of the car, as it is new to me, and I do need some help getting in.

I love being touched, whether it’s a belly rub, ear scratch, or just being petted in general. I’m a real snuggle bug and would love a home where I can get plenty of attention and love from you.

If you’re patient with me and give me the love and support I need, I promise to make you smile every day!

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Our main mission at GPRA is to find the right permanent home for Great Pyrenees in distress, whether they are strays or from an overpopulated kill or no-kill shelter. We don’t care how old they are or what their medical condition is because we will make sure they receive a comprehensive medical evaluation, spaying or neutering, and even behavioral training if necessary.