Maxwell S

Great Pyrenees

Are you dog smart? Do you know anyone patient enough to take this 4-year-old, 94 lb. boy from living with an inexperienced, uncertain owner to a cherished family member? I’m not pointing any paws, but a mix of good intentions from my dad, fear from my mom, and lack of dog knowledge from both confused me and undid my confidence. I think this is why I don’t like being forced or pulled and need to meet new people and other dogs slowly. But, once I meet them, I am good with other dogs and cats, and I like kids, if they aren’t pulling on me or hurting me. Actually, I’m pretty laid back and happy to hang on the bed or sofa with you—which would be a real treat since I spend a lot of time in my crate these days. Oh, and I also know the commands sit, stay, come, and down. Car rides are fun so it should be easy going places to practice my social skills. Oh, hey, we could go to the groomer for nail trims—I don’t like it when my humans do it at home plus, the groomer gives me treats!! So, back to my original question: are you dog smart? Do you know someone who could be the strong alpha I need to regain my confidence and be my best Pyr self? If so, please email or click “Apply to Adopt” below.

Donate to Great Pyrenees Rescue of Atlanta

Our main mission at GPRA is to find the right permanent home for Great Pyrenees in distress, whether they are strays or from an overpopulated kill or no-kill shelter. We don’t care how old they are or what their medical condition is because we will make sure they receive a comprehensive medical evaluation, spaying or neutering, and even behavioral training if necessary.


10 mths
Great Pyrenees

Hi everyone, I’m Bianca, an 10 month old, 101 lb girl saying goodbye to my first home. My beloved mom is very ill and we both want her to know I’ll be safe and hugged and fed and cherished for the rest of my life. So, how about if I tell you all the wonderful things my mom says she loves about me? Things like how I’m loving and playful, and even though she can’t take me out often, I’m always well behaved and friendly with other dogs and humans when we are socializing. Now that I’m older, my crate door is always open, even overnight, and I stand by the back door when I need to go out. I’ve even been home alone—just me and my chew toys—up to 12 hours without having an accident! Do you have room in your heart and home for what I’ve heard my mom and other humans call a sweet, calm dog? Of course I’m talking about me so if you want to keep talking, please email or click the “Apply to Adopt” button below.

Donate to Great Pyrenees Rescue of Atlanta

Our main mission at GPRA is to find the right permanent home for Great Pyrenees in distress, whether they are strays or from an overpopulated kill or no-kill shelter. We don’t care how old they are or what their medical condition is because we will make sure they receive a comprehensive medical evaluation, spaying or neutering, and even behavioral training if necessary.