Moose & Shadow Gigi

Moose: 81 lbsShadow: 85 lbs
Male and Female
Great Pyrenees

Greetings from Moose and Shadow, and we’re here to say we are each other’s shadows because we’re a bonded pair! Being bonded means where one goes, the other follows. Just look how cute and snuggly we are in one of our photos? We enjoy being our humans’ shadows too because we love attention! Foster Mom compliments us on our pyr-pawing. We’re trying to tell her how much we love her and asking her to give us more pets, please! And if you’re all out of pets, you can brush us because we love to be brushed. We’re pretty good at listening to and respecting our humans. We already know the commands: no, sit, off, and lay down, and we’re good on the leash! I’ve heard moose have big, strong teeth as well because they eat about 70 lbs of food a day. We’re not super food-motivated, but we do love chew toys. It is just so much fun to chomp on a chew bone! When we’re outside, we have the best time romping around the yard and having zoomies together. To keep us safe, we need a 6-foot fence because we’re big like moose and could jump a shorter fence. Being free to roam the house while you’re away from home is really important to us too as crates don’t work for us. As much as we enjoy playing, we equally enjoy being couch potatoes because that means relaxing inside with our humans. We get along great with other dogs too, so we would have a nice time hanging out with doggy siblings. Have you heard the expression two halves make a whole? Well, we’re two, sweet cuddly halves of a bonded pair, and we’ve got a whole lot of love to give to you!

Donate to Great Pyrenees Rescue of Atlanta

Our main mission at GPRA is to find the right permanent home for Great Pyrenees in distress, whether they are strays or from an overpopulated kill or no-kill shelter. We don’t care how old they are or what their medical condition is because we will make sure they receive a comprehensive medical evaluation, spaying or neutering, and even behavioral training if necessary.

Jasper & Hazel

Male and Female
Great Pyrenees

We’re Hazel and Jasper, and both our names symbolize the color green like hazelnut trees and green jasper stone! We may not have a green thumb, but we love laying in the grass and getting belly rubs. We’re not sure if the grass is always greener on the other side of our foster mom’s yard, but Jasper (that’s me) will keep exploring to find out because I love being outside. Hazel (that’s me) can make other dogs go green with envy because I make sleeping inside look so good! Speaking of other dogs, cats, and chickens, we love all creatures on this green earth. Love is something we are very good at; you’ve always got the green light to give us cuddles! Now, we don’t want any of our doggy friends to turn into a green-eyed monster, but our foster mom says we walk very nicely on the leash and are in sync with each other. We may not eat our greens, but if your family wants two easy-going and chill pyrs to feed cookies to, we promise to love you forever!

Donate to Great Pyrenees Rescue of Atlanta

Our main mission at GPRA is to find the right permanent home for Great Pyrenees in distress, whether they are strays or from an overpopulated kill or no-kill shelter. We don’t care how old they are or what their medical condition is because we will make sure they receive a comprehensive medical evaluation, spaying or neutering, and even behavioral training if necessary.

Sadie & Lenny

DOB 05/12/2016
125 lbs. and 115 lbs.
Male and Female
Great Pyrenees Mix
Hi, I am Lenny, and this is my bonded litter-mate, Sadie! GPRA believes that we are a mix of Great Pyrenees and Husky. Did you know that Great Pyrenees are known for their majesticness and Huskies for their intuitive nature? GPRAs’ volunteers say we are ‘amazing,’ ‘delightful,’ and ‘possess very calm and gentle demeanors.’ We love sitting at our humans’ feet and receiving lots of love and pets. Since Sadie is braver, she will introduce us.
Yes, my brother, Lenny, is a little shyer but very fun and playful. We are pretty athletic, especially me, but my luxating patella was slowing me down quite a bit. I had surgery on 4/25 and it went very well. I will return to longer walks on 6/20 as long as x-rays show everything is ok. I am quite a talker, too, so get ready for fun conversations. (The talking comes from the Husky side!) We also LOVE to cuddle. We are great meeting new humans, and other dogs, even big ones, and the smaller humans (kids) are fantastic! Even though they are not very interested, I even try to play with small dogs! We know basic commands. Another fun fact is that we do not bark at FedEx or UPS delivery trucks! (Go figure!) I am also very proud to share that we are housebroken, have NO accidents, and know how to use a doggy door. We respect fences and do not jump or dig. We can be left home alone and are not scared of thunderstorms.
We are eagerly awaiting our new home.
You can also adopt both of us for the adoption fee of one! 
Your Pyrly delightful duo, Sadie and Lenny

Donate to Great Pyrenees Rescue of Atlanta

Our main mission at GPRA is to find the right permanent home for Great Pyrenees in distress, whether they are strays or from an overpopulated kill or no-kill shelter. We don’t care how old they are or what their medical condition is because we will make sure they receive a comprehensive medical evaluation, spaying or neutering, and even behavioral training if necessary.

Merle & June Bug

5 yrs
99.4 lbs. & 86 lbs.
Male and Female
Great Pyrenees
Hellos! I am Merle, and this is my Pyr-friend, June. We are a bonded pair which means that we will be happiest staying together. You see, separating a bonded pair will be quite distressing, and we do not want this to happen.
We have been through complete evaluations with GPRA’s trainer. He said that we are “fantastic dogs.” We sat for treats, let the trainer touch us all over, and did excellent walking on the leash. (June tried to show me up a bit, but I upped my game.) Since we can be a bit strong on a leash, it’s best to have our own human for walks. (After all, the more, the merrier, right?) Also, since we were raised with many children, ages three to 15, we are great with the younger humans. We especially love it when our humans sit down next to us and show us affection. GPRA’s trainer also said that we love being groomed and are friendly with other dogs.
We will be devoted, affectionate, and well-mannered family dogs with more time, training, and consistency. For daily exercise and to keep us safe, we will require a large, secure fenced-in yard.
GPRA recommends that we not live on a farm and believe we have the Pyr-potential to be excellent therapy dogs.
Your fabulous Pyr-duo, Merle (and June)
Please email, click “Contact Us” or choose “Apply to Adopt” below.

Donate to Great Pyrenees Rescue of Atlanta

Our main mission at GPRA is to find the right permanent home for Great Pyrenees in distress, whether they are strays or from an overpopulated kill or no-kill shelter. We don’t care how old they are or what their medical condition is because we will make sure they receive a comprehensive medical evaluation, spaying or neutering, and even behavioral training if necessary.

Atlas & Athena

10 months
85 lbs. & 65 lbs.
Male and Female
Great Pyrenees

Hi there! We’re Atlas and Athena! Very well behaved, easy going and loving dogs. More info coming soon…

Donate to Great Pyrenees Rescue of Atlanta

Our main mission at GPRA is to find the right permanent home for Great Pyrenees in distress, whether they are strays or from an overpopulated kill or no-kill shelter. We don’t care how old they are or what their medical condition is because we will make sure they receive a comprehensive medical evaluation, spaying or neutering, and even behavioral training if necessary.

Lilo & Loki

5.5 yrs
125 lbs. & 90 lbs.
Male and Female
Great Pyrenees

Hellos! We are the loving and playful bonded duo, Lilo and Loki! Charmingly named after the lively Disney character (Lilo) and God of Mischief (Loki), we promise that our mischief is only the fun and playful kind!

Loki: Before we begin, I need to tell you a little about my best Pyr friend, Lilo! We grew up together. Although Lilo has never let it affect her happy life, she is deaf. So she needs a little help at times, and I am always by her side.

Lilo: Wait, I am very independent and do not need any help. If either of us needs a little help, it is Loki! He keeps losing the little games we have going on between us!

Loki: As you can tell, we have lots of fun together, and our bond is undeniable. Every day is a great one because we have each other for companionship. Lilo is very perceptive. She always knows what is going on just by looking at me.

Lilo: I only look at you because you are always next to me. Ok, enough with the banter. Now, it’s time to share more about us. We are used to spending all of our hours outside and only came inside for sleep! However, GPRA tells us that we will spend lots more time indoors, which is perfectly fine. We love AC! Will we also have a big backyard for roaming around together?

Loki: I am ready for all of the changes ahead. As long as I have Lilo with me, we will conquer every new adventure.

Lilo: Yes, we are excited about happily-ever-after with our new fur-ever family.

Your Pyr-sational duo,
Lilo ♥️ and Loki ♥️

Please email, click “Contact Us” or choose “Apply to Adopt” below.

Donate to Great Pyrenees Rescue of Atlanta

Our main mission at GPRA is to find the right permanent home for Great Pyrenees in distress, whether they are strays or from an overpopulated kill or no-kill shelter. We don’t care how old they are or what their medical condition is because we will make sure they receive a comprehensive medical evaluation, spaying or neutering, and even behavioral training if necessary.

Quin & Togepi

4 yrs
80 lbs. & 100 lbs.
Male and Female
Great Pyrenees

Together, forever! This is our motto, and it has gotten us through some difficult days. GPRA asked us to share a bit about ourselves, so here goes. I am Quin (the girl with the darker ears), and my brother and sidekick is Togepi. His name is pronounced –  Toga-pea. Since humans have a little difficulty pronouncing it, I hope this helps. With all the changes in our lives, it’s very comforting hearing our names and receiving lots of love and affection.

As you can see from our picture, Togepi is bigger than me, but we snuggle like little dogs. We are desperately bonded and have been each other’s comfort space for many years. We love climbing all over our foster mom and jockeying for position to get the most ear scratches and belly rubs. We have excellent house manners, do not care about the food humans eat, and LOVE napping on furniture and beds, especially if there is a human with us. However, I’m sure you can convince us to love a comfy dog bed, too!

There are no kids in our foster home, but I am sure we will love them. As for cats, we think they want to play. However, they really do not want to engage with us. We will be great family members for a calm household with humans who have plenty of time to reassure and pet us… and keep petting us.

As easy as we are to live with, we will need a tall, strong fence that we cannot go over, go under or push over. (Yes, Pyrs can climb!) Things were not very good in our previous life, so we can get easily frightened, which is another reason we need a tall fence. Thunder and lightning are two of our least favorite things. If you help us find a closet or little hiding spot in your home and comfort us, we will be fine. We worry when our foster mom leaves us, but this is understandable considering we are still learning how to trust our surroundings.

Pyrly hopeful that our very own loving humans are somewhere out there…Quin and Togepi

Please email, click “Contact Us” or choose “Apply to Adopt” belo

Donate to Great Pyrenees Rescue of Atlanta

Our main mission at GPRA is to find the right permanent home for Great Pyrenees in distress, whether they are strays or from an overpopulated kill or no-kill shelter. We don’t care how old they are or what their medical condition is because we will make sure they receive a comprehensive medical evaluation, spaying or neutering, and even behavioral training if necessary.

Yuki and Yama

8 months
70 lbs
Male and Female
Great Pyrenees

When was the last time you heard puppies described as too chill? If you said never, then we’ll be your first. We’re eight months old and weigh 70 lbs. What we know about ourselves is a short list: Yukie’s the girl (a little shy, too), I’m the boy, and we’ve lived outside, together, our entire lives. We love other dogs, car rides, and we’re even well behaved at the vet. The most important thing to know we’re bonded and GPRA promised we’ll stay together. We know people call this a big ask, but isn’t that appropriate for soon-to-be big dogs? Since we’re not allowed to use the computer (ordered way too many treats last time!), will you please email, click “Contact Us” or choose “Apply to Adopt” below so we can meet?  Thank you from two (maybe-soon-to-be-your) loving puppies.

Donate to Great Pyrenees Rescue of Atlanta

Our main mission at GPRA is to find the right permanent home for Great Pyrenees in distress, whether they are strays or from an overpopulated kill or no-kill shelter. We don’t care how old they are or what their medical condition is because we will make sure they receive a comprehensive medical evaluation, spaying or neutering, and even behavioral training if necessary.