
Hi I am Chancellor, a handsome looking big guy who likes to lean on you and play with other dogs I meet. I am approx. 3 years old and currently at 88 lbs. I do expect some good home cooked meals since I am a tad bit underweight. I came into this rescue with the help of a local county shelter that new I was a gem and wanted me to find my forever home. I just got checked out by the vet and they said I am a super sweet and healthy. I am searching for my forever home where I can be the King of the Castle and enjoy the comforts of shelter over my head. Reach out to GPRA today for more information about me at
Donate to Great Pyrenees Rescue of Atlanta
Our main mission at GPRA is to find the right permanent home for Great Pyrenees in distress, whether they are strays or from an overpopulated kill or no-kill shelter. We don’t care how old they are or what their medical condition is because we will make sure they receive a comprehensive medical evaluation, spaying or neutering, and even behavioral training if necessary.