
15 weeks
28 lbs
Great Pyrenees
Clearly, I’m a stunning girl so let’s skip ahead to all the reasons you should adopt me and my BFF, Mika, now. First, I’m only 15 weeks old and at a slight 28 lbs. still extremely portable. You can carry me—maybe both of us—much easier now than when we’re full grown. Second, GPRA’s vet was very helpful and now my thin fur is on the way to being puppy-Pyr-thick again. Third, being with Mika means I come with a designated playmate to tire me out for the next nap. Fourth, I’m stunning. Oh, hey that’s where we started! Guess that means it’s time to please email, click “Contact Us” or choose “Apply to Adopt” below.

Donate to Great Pyrenees Rescue of Atlanta

Our main mission at GPRA is to find the right permanent home for Great Pyrenees in distress, whether they are strays or from an overpopulated kill or no-kill shelter. We don’t care how old they are or what their medical condition is because we will make sure they receive a comprehensive medical evaluation, spaying or neutering, and even behavioral training if necessary.


15 weeks
27 lbs
Great Pyrenees

If you look closely at my spectacular markings, you’ll see the two halves of one heart around each of my eyes. Then, focus on my kissable snout and you’ll see an upside-down heart near my whiskers. Definite proof this 15-week-old, 27 lb. girl was born lovable. Some very nice shelter people cared for me and my favorite dog in the whole world, Sidney, until we could get to GPRA. And now that we’re here, it’s find-a-family time! Don’t worry about seeing my cute freckles through my fur, GPRA’s vet treated it and soon enough I’ll shed long, white fur the way any proud Pyr would do. Speaking of things Pyrs do, I love playing outside, napping, and eating. Hopefully, I’ll find a family to do all those things with me. And maybe with Sidney? Two puppies keep each other entertained and as we grow up, we’ll always have each other when you have to leave the house to do human stuff. The GPRA humans are really good at doing adoption stuff so if you’re already thinking about my new name, (and maybe Sidney’s?), please email, click “Contact Us” or choose “Apply to Adopt” below.

Donate to Great Pyrenees Rescue of Atlanta

Our main mission at GPRA is to find the right permanent home for Great Pyrenees in distress, whether they are strays or from an overpopulated kill or no-kill shelter. We don’t care how old they are or what their medical condition is because we will make sure they receive a comprehensive medical evaluation, spaying or neutering, and even behavioral training if necessary.


15 weeks
Great Pyrenees

Hey, I’m Benji, a little guy only 15 weeks old.  I landed at GPRA thanks to a good samaritan that saw me and my sister Pearl G needing a new home…

Donate to Great Pyrenees Rescue of Atlanta

Our main mission at GPRA is to find the right permanent home for Great Pyrenees in distress, whether they are strays or from an overpopulated kill or no-kill shelter. We don’t care how old they are or what their medical condition is because we will make sure they receive a comprehensive medical evaluation, spaying or neutering, and even behavioral training if necessary.

Pearl G

15 weeks
Great Pyrenees

Hey, I’m Pearl G, a little gal only 15 weeks old.  I landed at GPRA thanks to a good samaritan that saw me and my brother Benji needing a new home and helped get us to GPRA.  More info coming soon…

Donate to Great Pyrenees Rescue of Atlanta

Our main mission at GPRA is to find the right permanent home for Great Pyrenees in distress, whether they are strays or from an overpopulated kill or no-kill shelter. We don’t care how old they are or what their medical condition is because we will make sure they receive a comprehensive medical evaluation, spaying or neutering, and even behavioral training if necessary.